Gathering for the medical service of the 12th Special Forces Brigade«AZOV» NGU

Total amount

2 540 000 грн



Protect those who carry life on the battlefield

Who collects?

What are we collecting for?

Retrofit of
2 units

To protect a medic means, first of all, providing them with reliable armored transport.

To protect the wounded means giving the medic the ability to work comfortably to save their life and health. With your help, we can turn two 'raw' vehicles into high-quality medical evacuation units.

Multifrequency Electronic Warfare (EW) System
2 units

Armor is not the only protection that can be installed on evacuation vehicles. The second layer of protection is invisible – an Electronic Warfare (EW) system. It's crucial to cover as wide a frequency range as possible to protect against FPV drones and air-dropped explosives, so that the evacuation armor can serve longer in saving the lives of soldiers.

Low-frequency Electronic Warfare (EW) system
5 units

But it's not just the armor that needs protection. 4x4 vehicles are fast, quiet, and agile, and on some parts of the front line, they are indispensable for evacuation.

The high frequencies have already been covered —now it's time to close the low ones.

Night vision
2 units

To become invisible in the dark, you must be able to see in it. Two night vision devices for evacuation vehicle drivers, allowing them to sneak up unnoticed.

Provide multi-layered protection for the medics of "Azov" to improve their working conditions during combat operations.
